Mailshell Traffic Reputation and Email Filtering Engines  
X-Series (CLI)
X-Series (LSM)


X-Series (CLI)

1. Connect to the Management Interface.

Connect to the CLI with ssh using an IP address of any of the IP Interfaces, such as the default of You may also use HyperTerm to connect directly to the serial console with the settings of 115200-8-N-1.

2. Login to the Firewall.

3. Change the DNS settings to use Mailshell.

When you are logged into the CLI, type "config terminal" to enter the configuration terminal.

Type "dns use-external-dns disable" to disable External DNS.

Type "dns server x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x" to manually enter Mailshell's addresses (preferred DNS server: and alternate DNS server: ).

DNS changes are immediate. Type "show conf dns" to verify your settings.





X-Series (LSM)

1. Connect to the Management Interface.

Connect to the LSM with a Web browser using an IP address of any of the IP Interfaces. Example URL:

2. Login to the Firewall.

Your login account should have administrative privileges.

3. Under Configuration, click DNS to change DNS settings.

4. Type in Mailshell addresses in DNS Server 1 and DNS Server 2 fields.

Before proceeding, please write down your current DNS settings, so you may revert to your original settings at any time.

Preferred DNS server address for Mailshell is:

Alternate DNS server address for Mailshell is:

5. Click Apply.