Mailshell Traffic Reputation and Email Filtering Engines  

1. Find the BIND configuration file containing the options statement.

If /etc/bind/named.conf.options is on your system, it will likely contain the options statement. You may also try /etc/named.conf, /etc/bind/named.conf, or /etc/namedb/named.conf. The options statement looks like this:

  options {


2. In the options statement, add a forwarders statement listing the Mailsehll servers.

If there is an existing forwarders statement, replace it. The options statement should look like this:

  options {
	  forwarders {;; };


3. Reload BIND's configuration.

The method is likely to be rndc reload (for BIND 9) or ndc reload (for BIND 8), but may vary from system to system.