(Category) (Category) Mailshell SpamCatcher FAQ :
SpamCatcher Universal
Frequently asked questions regarding the Mailshell SpamCatcher Universal Desktop and the SpamCatcher POP gateway.
(Answer) What if my e-mail client says that it cannot connect to server?
(Answer) Why does my email client ask me for my password again and again?
(Answer) When I'm not connected to the Internet, why does my email client not dial the Internet?
(Answer) How do I block/approve messages in Outlook Express?
(Answer) How do I use both Norton Antivirus version 7 and SpamCatcher Universal?
(Answer) Is SpamCatcher compatible with MSN email?
(Answer) Can my co-workers filter their email through one computer?
(Answer) Does SpamCatcher Universal support SSL?
(Answer) I cannot execute the SpamCatcher program. What do I do?
2003-Mar-11 4:09pm
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